segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009


The British rivers are short, but because of the relatively large humid climate, with moderate flooding in autumn-winter. The largest occur in the lower South, the Severn (290km) and Thames (338km) are the longest. The first leads in the deep channel of Bristol, the open Atlantic, and the second opens up in the wide estuary leading into the North Sea. Other rivers of note are the Ouse, the Trent, the relief Tyne.o moderate and large discharges facilitated the opening of channels that link the rivers. Most of the rivers are of little gap, and many waterways in large part of their course. The large continental shelf leads to strong tidal currents, which naturally clean estuaries, facilitating access to ports. Only in the Wash on the east coast, there was considerable siltation, which allowed the installation of polders in the region of Fens. The lakes are most numerous in the old and massive rise up in the valley glaciers. In Scotland, where they are called Lochs, many of them, of elongated shape. The biggest, however, the Lough Neagh, is in Northern Ireland.

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